Friday, July 24, 2009

body weight is below 15% and I will have met Sam's goals when he is back to instruct next week...

Graduate work is going slow (due to over a dozen paying cabiri shows this summer!) but the results are better than I hoped and I will be contributing to the body of work in a way that may save some trees...

The troupe is amazingly tight and happy, best ever in 12 years...

Wife and I will be enjoying our first vacation in 2 years next week climbing mountains and talking to trees...

My dreamspace is beginning to show signs that I may actually be re-absorbing the projections of my anima...

When I stare into the mirror of doubt, I see new light and new substance from my shadows... chaos in all of it's glory, can be the ever unfolding fractal of limitless possibilities.... some tearing the soul apart, such that they grow to a new pattern of stronger deeper beauty.

I am concerned that I am dangerously close t being happy... is becoming happy the price I will pay if I become content? To that I will need to give caution.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Do you ever feel that there is this thing walking behind you in the shadows, or just above the clouds, a creature of the aerther that sees clearly through your manipulations and lies for worldly gain?

I think there is balance in this world, and I think there is balance in the otherworld.

Occasionally the two shall cross.

in life, in death

in body, or soul.

When the body can not be killed...

The soul may still be savaged.

The strength gained from fighting off the nightmares...

can only be gained by sacrificing your humanity...

and in that sacrifice...

you give up ever slowly...

your position in the hereafter.

your soul.

You can only lose in this game.

Friday, May 22, 2009

14/34 or 18/38

it's all the same

They should have aeialist's there supporting them don't ya think?

Performing to or maybe even *with* "Darling Nikki"?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

best quote of the day:
"her life is so pathetic she sues people 'cause things in her personal life are fucked up... 'cause SHE fucked them up?

Monday, March 2, 2009

May 1st, 2009.
Cal Anderson Park.
Daedalus Rising.
You will wish you were flying with us.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


good morning

email your congressman and ask them what the fuck they are thinking.

I mean.



Monday, January 5, 2009

No more gray?

So as many know, last Summer was a little tragic and pretty stressful, and many of you probably remember how I went gray in June.

Well, the gray is gone.

I had been growing my hair out, but decided I needed to cut it before ballet began again and I cut it and poof... it looks distinctively nongray.

Not sure why this happened, and I actually like myself with gray hair better... but I do think it is kinda cool that it happened just fore the oddness of it.

Figured I would share.