Wednesday, September 24, 2008

wifes gone squid!

Stole all my lycra!


oh mata hari said...

squid hating is overrated

Message in a bottle: said...

I wear lycra, I just only wear it when I don;t have to do anything when I get off my bike.

The problem is that I only commute 16 miles to my lab, and that really isn't a long enough ride to justify changing clothes. But I end up getting 160 miles a week in with that commute, so add in the 6 hours of ballet, 8 hours of aerial training and the hikes to my field sites, and I just don't have time to get all squiddly diddly.

oh mata hari said...

you don't have to justify your lycra or lack thereof. it does dry faster though.

Trapecia d'Cabiria said...

Hey man, it's all about the crotch padding in those lycra shorts. I'd wear 'em regardless of what they're made out of, for the sake of my poor pelvis. Ouch.

Thanks for letting me steal your shorts, dear.
