Friday, July 18, 2008

meanings of life

So I am explaining my raison d'ete with a close friend who is a republican and I just had to post this paragraph... it's sorta cool... but odd...:

"All I am doing is facilitating support groups to assist the other organisms to defend against human assault. When life arose from the oceans to the terrestrial surface , it was because strains of fungi developed relationships with aquatic plants. We are finding that we can create those associations in such a way that new alliances are created to assist the plants in defending against human assault. It's not much and it may not save the plant life... but it is a new way of thinking that I think is a much better idea than rearranging the genetic makeup of the life forms on this planet. We are letting life do the trick, we are just orienting couples that are have a serendipitous associations. The problem is, humans don't want to see new associations created that present better opportunities than the status quo they live in, hence they are fearful of change."

get it?

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