Tuesday, July 1, 2008

This is the sequel.

Common Question:
What happened to previous posts?
censored by the litigious threats of a former student of Charly's

Contact Charly for details.

Basically, I turned my blog into a red herring for them to focus in on, I removed the syndication of the blog to protect their identity, you had to type in the URL directly. I didn't want to bad mouth anyone, I just wanted to distract them. Which it did as their lawyer admitted that their client was cyber-stalking Charly and I. 

Anyway, blog is back to original format and back in syndication. They wasted a bunch of energy and money focusing on a blog that didn't really exist. Litigators are often silly irrational peeps.

You just gotta shake your head and love them in all their mistakes... 
well, actually, 
I suppose you don't, 
but in this case I do, 
always have, 
always will.

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